Martin Henry Fitness





Are you looking to lose a bit of weight, or maybe a lot of weight?

Are the steps at work starting to make you huff and puff more than you’d care to admit?

Or maybe it’s playing with the kids, competing at sport with your friends or going to the beach that has made you realise that whilst your career might be on track, your body certainly isn’t it.

Whatever your wakeup call, you may have another realization too - that getting in shape now is not as easy as when you were younger. In fact you may be trying hard and not seeing any results at all.

And one more scenario…your body might have actually let you down – a blown knee, a dodgy back, tennis elbow, high blood pressure, diabetes or pre-diabetes – it could be one of a thousand issues, but it means that a strategy of getting in shape by just going for a jog is not going to cut it. 

Good news – you have found your way to the right place, because I can help you.

Why? Because I’ve not only been there, but I’ve helped many people get fit and strong.

I’ve overcome injury, significant illness and lived the high stress lifestyle of a professional/business owner and seen what that can do to a person. If I am going to be of any use to you, you’re going to need to trust me and my advice, so I am going to share just a little of my story so you can make up your mind on that before we go any further.



It was on my second 10-day residential healthy eating and living retreat that this principle finally sunk in, that the body was made to win, to thrive, to heal. Give it the right nutrition, the right training and conditions and it will do all it can to bring itself back to health. Of course there are many occasions when more than this is needed, I am all for Doctors and the medical world, but much of what we encounter our body is designed to overcome, and so it was with me.

 You see, back when I was training in these principles I was also undergoing one of the greatest challenges to my health. After 25 years of running a successful small business I found myself in 2009 at the age of 47, financially well setup (I had just sold my business) but completely broken physically. What I thought then was just exhaustion turned out to be Lyme disease, and what I thought were just aches and pains in my shoulders resulted in 5 shoulder operations in 2 years. By the end of 2012, after another failed shoulder op, the surgeon I sought for a second opinion summed it up as follows, “You don’t get it do you Martin. All your sports and activities are over, you need to get used to playing cards in an RSL”. 

 Needless to say I didn’t. Instead I researched, I rehabbed, changed my diet and I trained with weights. I became a personal trainer, and on top of the many people I have helped return to health and strength, I did too. No I am not over Lyme, yet. But I am fully active, snowboarding, kayaking and lifting weights way more than men half my age. In fact at 75kgs I can do a 210kg trapbar deadlift, 100kg plus bench presses and as many pullups as I want. So I haven’t taken up the cards, just yet…

What all this means for you, is that I know from personal experience, scientific research (I am a fitness author) and helping others what you need to do to get yourself back on track too. Will you let me help you?