
One on one personal training

Online Coaching

Don’t know where to start? Well why not click the link below and just fill in your basic details and goals. I’ll contact you back and if you think we may be a fit we will move to an assessment at either the North Sydney Gym, or Wahroonga Studio, or of course if you are elsewhere by skype or facetime.

 It really is personal training so it will be me contacting you back, and even if we don’t proceed further, use that initial call back to pick my brains so that I can help you get on track with your shape and fitness.

 Some FAQS are:

 What are session lengths?

Typically clients train for 30, 45 or 60 minutes, but I have done sessions up to 2 hours.

 How many times a week?

If you’re asking how many times a week you should train, I’d suggest starting with three. Depending on location, budget, availability you might be able to do all three with me, or one or two of them on your own.

 Do I have to join a gym?

Yes to be trained at North Sydney as I work out of Fitness First there, no if you are near Hornsby/Wahroonga as there is no charge when we train in my studio gym. And of course with online coaching, that is up to you entirely.

 What level of fitness do I need to make the most of the sessions?

None – I have trained people with auto-immune diseases, various handicaps all the way through to competitively strong men and women. We just start with where you are and build slowly and carefully week by week.

 Won’t weights make me bulk up?

Firstly, no, unless that is what you specifically train for. But secondly, I train everyone in a range of modalities that will always include weight-bearing exercise where possible, but can be bodyweight, cardio – running/riding/kayaking, TRX, boxing and many more.